If you are looking to keep warm in the winter, there usually aren't many better options than Under Armour. They have been present in the golf industry for some time now and always use the best technology to make their apparel as high quality as possible. The loose fit gives you more room to turn and move, helping you carry on playing your best while still keeping warm. The storm technology helps keep the rain off you during light showers and still gives you breathability to help regulate your body temperature. The jacket is also windproof and will help keep the biting winter winds off you so you can always be warm.
Another way to help you keep moving is the 4-way stretch material that gives you the ability to play like you are just wearing a polo shirt, keeping you unrestricted. The pockets on the side are great for storing golf balls and tees, as well as anything else you need on the course. The singular colour body looks great and also means it can go with just about anything in your wardrobe, further making it a wardrobe staple.